
Adjusting for Publication Bias in JASP & R — Selection Models, PET-PEESE, and Robust Bayesian Meta-Analysis

Meta-analyses are essential for cumulative science, but their validity can be compromised by publication bias. In order to mitigate the impact of publication bias, one may apply publication bias adjustment techniques such as PET-PEESE and selection …

A meta-analysis workshop: from pre-registration to publication

This is a practical workshop on how to perform a meta-analysis, including pre-registration, data-extraction, and analysis.

Reproducible meta-analysis

In this talk, discuss the benefits of pre-registering meta-analysis, and ways to increase the transparency of meta-analyses

How to calculate the statistical power of studies included in a meta-analysis using R

This talk describes ‘metameta’, an R package that can effortlessly calculate and visualise the statistical power of studies included in a meta-analysis.

Applying open science practices to clinical research

I discuss the benefits of applying open science practices to clinical research, and how you can create openly available data sets that allow others to reproduce your results while maintaining participant privacy via synthetic datasets.


Evaluating and improving research practices

Unlocking sports medicine research data while maintaining participant privacy via synthetic datasets

There is an opportunity for sports medicine to progress research ideation using synthetic datasets, maintaining research momentum when data collection is not feasible. These processes maximise the potential for application of open science practice, …

How podcasts can benefit scientific communities

We describe how podcasts can benefit scientific communities by disseminating career-specific information that is often unwritten and hidden to those outside academic social knowledge networks. We also provide practical advice on how scientists can launch their own podcasts.

A synthetic dataset primer for the biobehavioural sciences to promote reproducibility and hypothesis generation

Open research data provide considerable scientific, societal, and economic benefits. However, disclosure risks can sometimes limit the sharing of open data, especially in datasets that include sensitive details or information from individuals with …

Most oxytocin administration studies are statistically underpowered to reliably detect (or reject) a wide range of effect sizes

The neuropeptide oxytocin has attracted substantial research interest for its role in behaviour and cognition; however, the evidence for its effects have been mixed. Meta-analysis is viewed as the gold-standard for synthesizing evidence, but the …